-Akshay Ranganath
- Open the file /etc/fstab in gedit (Applications > Accessories > Text Editor)
- This file will have the partition details of .the hard disk. For all the Windows partition, it will have data of the following format:
UUID=9877-489A /media/sda1 vfat defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 1
- If the last value is a 1 then, it means that the default setting is to scan your Windows parition every time the system boots. This is not necessary and most importantly waste of time since it is a Windows partition anyway.
- Just set the value to a 0. That is for all those lines having the word vfat, set the sixt tab-separated value to a zero to exclude checking.
- Save the file on your desktop as fstab.
- Open the terminal by using the option Application > Accessories > Terminal
- Make a copy of the fstab file for safety by executing the command:
sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig
- Copy the modified file to the /etc/ directory by giving the command:
sudo cp /home/{username}/Desktop/fstab .
- This should copy the updated fstab
- Reboot and see a blazingly fast system!
About #8, it doesn't seem to work unless you have a copy to point on the end, ie /etc/.
Oops! Thanks for pointing it out. I've corrected the article now.
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