Saturday, 28 July 2007

How to install packages on Ubuntu behind a Proxy Server?

-Akshay Ranganath

While working behind a proxy, the normal

sudo apt-get install 
may not work. This is because of the command line interface does not detect the proxy settings. To ensure a smooth installation without unnecessary hassles of digging through the settings, using the UI based approach is a lot more easier.

5 steps to setup Synaptics Package Manager for a proxy based network

  1. Open the Synaptic Package Manager by choosing System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager in the menu.

  2. Provide password for the application to start

  3. Set the proxy settings by using the following menu: Settings > Preferences > Network

  4. Now provide the proxy details for both HTTP and FTP along with the port number.

  5. Click apply and the Synaptics Manager is now ready to download and install packages.

5 steps to installing packages

Once the proxy setting is done, packages can be installed in a very simple manner.
  1. Click on Search button on top

  2. In the search box, choose the package to install. In the screen shot I've given Wordpress.

  3. Click OK and a result is displayed. Choose the application you are interested in by clicking on the checkbox. Here, you will get a drop down with an option to Mark for installation (you can even choose to uninstall/reinstall/upgrade). Choose this option. Automatically, the package manager will choose all the dependencies to be installed along with the application.

  4. The Apply button on top will now be enabled. You can go with search and choose as many other packages as you want to install.

  5. Click on the Apply button and the packages will be downloaded and installed.
And that's about it - you are on your way to install and upgrade packages easily on Ubuntu!

How to create AJAX enabled web applications

- Chandra Nayana

We are here to take u through development of AJAX enabled web applications easily from scratch step by step.

Before going forward have a look at below links:
Click and learn AJAX
Click and know S/W installations for AJAX

ASP.Net Ajax server controls: They contain server and client code that integrate to produce Ajax like behaviour.

Frequently used server controls are:

ScriptManager : Manages script resources for client components, partial page rendering, localization and custom user scripts.

UpdatePanel: Enables us to refresh selected parts of the page.

Updateprogress: Provides status info about partial page updates in updatepanel controls.

Timer: Allows us to perform postbacks at defined intervals.

Now we will discuss how to create AJAX enables website:

Start Visual studio or visual web developer express edition.

1. Goto ->File->New->Website as shown:

2. Then it will open window asking for which website then select AJAX enabled website which will be under visual studio templates.

3. Enter location and language and press OK.

4.Then a new web application will be opened as:

5. AJAX Extensions available are as shown:

learning how to add and use the Toolkit.

1. In the toolkit tab right click and select Add tab option as shown:

2. Then it will add a new tab name it as AJAX Toolkit or any name of ur wish.

3. To add items to the toolkit right click and select choose items options.

4.Then it will open a window having .Net framework components and COM components tabs goto >net framework components tab and click on browse

5. Then browse for the AJAX Toolkit.dll file from bin folder of the toolkit that is downloaded.

6. Then all elements in the toolkit will be added in the tab that is just created.

7. Then the elements in the new Toolkit tab will be as shown:

Then we can use them based on their use.

Now we will use modal popup control, update panel, update progress bar, normal panel controls to create a sample AJAX enabled application.

To add theme to the website right click on the project in solution explorer window and goto asp.netfolder -> theme

Then theme will be added with theme1 as default in app_themes folder. Then right click on theme1 and add new item style sheet and save it as ur wish.

Then add the following code into the .css file:

.modalBackground {

.modalPopup {

Colours can be of ur wish.

Then add new folder images and copy images of ur wish into that folder. Update the code given below to accept the images mentioned i.e jus change the names of the images.
such as img4 for indicator etc..

Then add different elements as shown or just copy the code from the link given below.

Link for code to be pasted in source file

Add the following code in .CS file the page.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label1.Text = "Hi This is loaded for first time.......";
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

protected void lnk2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label1.Text = "Hi time changed at" + DateTime.Now.ToString();
protected void lnk3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

In web.config file update the pages theme as theme1 by updating the pages theme property to theme1 in pages tag as shown:

pages theme="Theme1">controls>/controls>/pages>

Then if u build and run the website Then first screen will be:

Then if you click on "Time???" button then screen will be:

Then if you click on View time button then screen will be:

After updating time the output will be :

If you click on cancel button the screen will be updated as:

What are installations and downloadables required for developing AJAX applications

-Chandra Nayana


Click here and learn AJAX

This installation includes Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions, which is a server framework, and the Microsoft AJAX Library, which consists of client script that runs on the browser.

Note: The installation process installs the ASP.NET AJAX assembly (System.Web.Extensions.dll) in the global assembly cache (GAC). Do not include the assembly in the Bin folder of your AJAX-enabled Web site.

You can install and use ASP.NET AJAX with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or Microsoft Visual Web Developer Express Edition. However, Visual Studio 2005 is not required to use ASP.NET AJAX to create ASP.NET Web applications.

You can install and use the Microsoft AJAX Library without the .NET Framework. You can also install it on non-Windows environments to create client-based Web applications for any browser that supports JavaScript.


1. ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions 1.0: This will install framework for developing and running AJAX style applications with either server centric or client centric development models and is fully supported by microsoft.

Downloadable link:

2. ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit: The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit is a shared-source community project consisting of samples and components that make it easier than ever to work with AJAX-enabled controls and extenders. The Control Toolkit provides both ready-to-run samples and a powerful SDK to simplify creating custom ASP.NET AJAX controls and extenders.

Downloadable link:

Prerequisites: must install AJAX 1.0 before installing this.

System requirements for installation:

Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX requires the following softwares and OS:

Windows server 2003/ Windows xp/ windows vista/ Any version that supports .Net framework 2.0.

.Net framework 2.0 or higher version,Internet explorer 5.0 or higher.

Optional S/W:
Visual Studio 2005 or Visual web developer express edition.

What is AJAX and Its importance

- Chandra Nayana

AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML.
AJAX is not a new programming language, but a new way to use existing standards.
With AJAX you can create better, faster, and more user-friendly web applications.
AJAX is based on JavaScript and HTTP requests.

U can find this on any website.

We take U thru simple way of creating AJAX enabled website from scratch to know click below links

What are installations required for developing AJAX applications.
How to create AJAX enabled web applications.


ASP.Net Ajax enables u to create web pages that include a rich user experience with responsive and familiar user interface elements.

ASP.Net Ajax applications Plus's:

- Improves efficiency by processing only significant parts of web pages.
- Provides familiar UI elements such as progress indicators, tool tips, pop-up windows and many more.
- Allows partial page updates.
- Allows integration of data from different sources through calls to web services.
- Provides a framework that simplifies customization of server controls to include client capabilities.
- Supports all famous browsers.

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Creating your own News Page

-Akshay Ranganath

For a long time, I used to always wonder if it would be possible to collate news that I was interested in and then offer it on my blog. Say for example, if I was having a web site on Web 2.0, would it be possible to offer latest news from some authentic source. The obvious reason would be to provide more material to my viewers and ensuring that they are satisfied with the overall experience on the site.

Identifying an Architecture

One simple architecture that I could identify was this: Why not try and subscribe to RSS feed from some of the web sites that served news content that correlated to our web site and somehow display the same? With this idea in mind, I went on a search and found this site called Feed2JS. On this site, if you provide the URL of the RSS, it provides a JavaScript code. If you embed this code into your site, the RSS contents can be displayed on the web site using any style sheet that you choose.

In fact the web site Feed2JS also offers the ability to choose the style sheet. It is quite rudimentary but, can definitely be used and then worked upon to provide a better style as needed by your web site.

Creating Feed – In Action

The whole process is very simple. Just log into the site Feed2JS and then, type in the feed URL that you want as a Javascript. Choose the preview option to see how it looks. Toggle the various entries to see how the feed can be made more attractive. Once satisfied, choose the Generate Javascript button and create the feed.

Just take this code and paste it in your blog or HTML page between the <body> and </body> tags. That is it! The news feed is now active on your website. Check out the example on our blog at our RSS section. In short this is all you need to do:

So, why is it so interesting?

Well, think about it this way: You are a web site offering news releases to everyone. There are sites who'd like to have your release provide you give them a functionality of changing the look and feel so that it matches their web site.

In the pre-Web2.0 world, you'd have to build mini-web sites with the style sheet for each of the client. This would have been a maintenance nightmare. Now, all you need to do is provide an RSS feed that they client can consume and display it wherever and however they want it! All you need to do is just configure the RSS system to generate one more RSS feed.

Monday, 23 July 2007

Latest News Bookmarks from Akshay Ranganath